I haven't yet begun writing the stuff for Chapter 1 but I am gonna start soon, as for when I complete it, I can't say all depends on how often I get distracted but at the latest it'll be done by the end of November to mid December as for the next playable version that will be by the mid November to early December, I'm simply trying to think of how Chapter 1 goes, I will point out that even after going into Space, Earth is still able to be revisited. But unlike in other Sci-fi games like Mass Effect and Starfield, where planets can be visited whenever, since It'd take too long for me to implement something like that with multiple versions of each planet depending on Chapter and progress in the Chapter, Planets will instead be visited via story not via player input, I might make a sequel with that player input availability but that is only if I can figure out who to do that without having too many passages.
EDIT, Nov 12, 2023 at 6:05 AM | I have yet to even start on the update but will start soon, not long after I first posted this update my step brother was visiting for a week and since he returned home, I haven't gotten around to starting the update. I apologize for the delay and will try to release the next update sometime before Christmas.
EDIT 2, Nov 12, 2023 at 6:59 PM | I am gonna try and include an interactive star map but first I need to make it, problem is the only thing I could make it with is Universe Sandbox which has a tendency to crash. So I apologize if it takes longer for the update.
EDIT 3, Nov 12, 2023 at 7:27 PM | Yeah I'm just gonna do what I was gonna do since it will take far to long to figure out how to first make a galaxy map with star systems and planets and incorporate that into the game.
EDIT 4, Nov 13, 2023 at 3:34 AM | I have gotten some progress done on Chapter 1 and even edited the side bar to include the spaceship name which is listed as Unknown until it is named during the captaincy ceremony at the beginning of Chapter 1 the default name for the spaceship is just "Spaceship" but it gives players the option to name their spaceship, hell you can even use copyrighted names like SSV Normandy or SSV Normandy SR-2 from Mass Effect 1 - 3, I might even try to implement easter eggs for those who take that route like say a cameo of either a character from the franchise or a mention, either case I would give credit to the owners of the character or mention.
EDIT 5, Nov 13, 2023 at 9:50 PM | The XO you recruit is the romantic interest of the Prologue be it the parent or best friend who meets you outside following the statement.
EDIT 6, Nov 16, 2023 at 2:30 AM | I have included an Easter Egg based on a choice, which when selected and hitting the Go Back button on the Easter Egg Page, prevents the choice from appear in the previous passage. It's a Mass Effect 1 Easter Egg with mention of the Mass Effect 3 ending and also implies that Male Shepard is canon and Kaidan Alenko and him got married and they are still alive despite the huge time gap since they were last scene in the Mass Effect games during 2186 in the last moments of the Reaper War and its currently 4023 in the game, though no mention of the actual year will appear in the game, but as the creator of this game I can state the year, I have just included the Mass Effect Universe as having had some influence in the past, but the only things left from that time are Male Shepard and Kaidan, everyone else are just mentioned because they disappeared around the year 3000. Though along with Male Shapard and Kaidan, I might have EDI show up looking for Jeff 'Joker' Moreau who disappeared along with everyone else so EDI who was encouraged to date Jeff has been looking for him ever since, all of this will only appear if the Therum Easter Egg was chosen, I might include a mission to help EDI find Jeff, who will in turn cause everyone else to be found, but that will only include the SSV Normandy SR-2's crew that were alive at the time of Mass Effect 3's ending with max possibilities meaning Tali survived Mass Effect 2 and so did Legion with them being friends and the only death being Ashley Williams on Virmire, Legion to save both Quarian and Geth, Mordin Solus to end the Genophage, and whoever else dies based on good story choices and not by chance. the Citadel did exist but was since dismantled and replaced by something similar after the disappearance of the other Citadel races and other races in-general leaving only humans, even the home planets of the other races disappeared. To go with the easter egg of Therum, the other 2 planets aka the ones that progress the story are: Nebuloria and Florrum making a reference to Noveria and Feros, i was trying to keep the theme with the other planets starting with N and F without being too obvious, though I did make them similar to the references with Florrum being like Feros as a colony but Nebuloria's only reference to Noveria is the freezing aspect since unlike Noveria, Nebuloria is unsettled.
EDIT 7, Nov 16, 2023 at 5:40 AM | I am considering Easter Eggs as DLC since they make more characters and locations to appear. So far the only 'DLC' that exists is the Mass Effect one, but all future 'DLC' will be built-in and aren't add-ons, if anyone has any suggestions for other 'DLC' feel free to to state them in a Post I will recreate talking in more Details about the 'DLC' concept.
Get Sci-fi Weight Gain
Sci-fi Weight Gain
Status | In development |
Author | Taylor Manshanden |
Genre | Interactive Fiction |
Tags | Erotic, inflation, kinky, LGBT, male-only-expansion, Male protagonist, mpreg, NSFW, Romance, weight-gain |
Languages | English |
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I have changed the year to 4150 not 4023